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The last few weeks have been challenging for all of us, with Covid-19 social distancing in nearly all countries dramatically changing our working culture. At the same time, the crisis has also highlighted examples of truly inspiring community activism and mutual support across all areas of society. Community engagement — a recurring theme in CCI — is proving a valuable strategy.
For the CCI project, our normal day-to-day routine has necessarily changed. Some CCI partners in law enforcement agencies (LEAs) have been pulled into other roles, filling in for colleagues who are self-isolating. The work of Cutting Crime Impact continues, however, and the Consortium sends our best wishes to all members of the CCI network.
Over the last six months, CCI partners have continued their work in our four CCI focus areas:
Predictive policing
Community policing
Crime Prevention through Urban Design and Planning (CP-UDP)
Crime Prevention through Urban Design and Planning
Measuring and mitigating citizens’ feelings of insecurity
CCI partner law enforcement agencies (LEAs) worked with partners and stakeholders to undertake research in the above focus areas. From this research, they developed coherent descriptions of the issues and challenges they found in the form of 'problem statements'. These were further explored in collaboration with the rest of the Consortium through a series of DesignLabs held in September 2019 in Salford, UK. During these DesignLabs, partners explored the problem statements and generated various design ideas and concepts. These ideas were resolved into specific design directions for LEA toolkit development. LEAs are now undertaking research and prototyping activities to support the design development of their toolkits. These CCI Toolkits will be demonstrated later in the project.
In our first newsletter, we mentioned that CCI Partners were developing reports on the ‘state-of-the-art’ in each focus area. From these reports, and with further research, the University of Groningen (RUG) have conducted detailed reviews on the ethical, legal and social issues impacting all four CCI focus areas.
Consortium partner Efus has taken the initiative to publish 'factsheets' based on the CCI state-of-the-art reports, to support their wider dissemination. These factsheets have been translated into a number of different languages.
We hope you enjoy reading this newsletter and continue to follow CCI on our journey throughout the project.
Best wishes,
The CCI Consortium
About the Cutting Crime Impact (CCI) Project
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The CCI project addresses high impact ‘petty crime.’ This is defined as non-organised crime taking place against people or property in towns and cities. This type of crime has a significant negative impact on European citizens’ quality of life, community cohesion and the safety and security of the urban environment. Those living in deprived neighbourhoods and vulnerable groups are often the most seriously affected.
The CCI project seeks to support Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) and security policymakers in adopting a preventative, evidence-based and sustainable approach to tackling high-impact petty crime.
Policing during Covid-19: An Unprecedented Emergency
Author: Dr Francesc Guillén, INT
Dr Francesc Guillén is a CCI Partner working for the Department d’interior (INT) in Barcelona, Spain. Spain has become one of the biggest Covid-19 hotspots in Europe, here Dr Guillén gives an account of policing during a global pandemic.
Our generation has never experienced such an extraordinary situation as the current emergency. We have all read and heard much about the Second World War and the so-called Spanish Flu in history books and films, but we had no direct experience of these crises. Although we tend to plan and predict everything, nobody had foreseen this pandemic. All our securities are gone: people live in uncertainty about their short- and mid-term futures. How many will become ill? How many will die? How will the public health system cope with this emergency? When will we be able to move freely again? How seriously will our privacy be violated in the future in order to prevent new pandemics? What is going to happen to our livelihoods and our businesses? How long will state aid last? And there are so many more questions...
Full article available HERE.
Smart Prevention – Prevention in the Digital World
The digital expertise of the German Prevention Congress for the Jubilee Congress 2020
Author: Dr Claudia Heinzelmann, DPT
For the digital expert report of the 25th German Prevention Congress, the DPT asked 17 experts for their opinion on digitalisation in the context of crime and crime prevention.
The result is 68 short videos in which the experts provide information about the phenomenon of digitisation and digitalisation, current challenges, opportunities and future visions for crime prevention. Together with further background information, the videos are posted on the interactive microsite
Full article available HERE.
The CCI DesignLabs — the LEA perspective
Author: Dr Roberta Signori
For professional designers, a DesignLab might be a stroll in the park. But for non-designers — not to mention, police officers and staff — that is not the case. The amount of pre-conceptions, ingrained habits, knowledge, and thinking that you need to challenge in order to engage in a DesignLab is extensive.
The CCI DesignLab held in Salford in September 2019 — my first DesignLab after joining CCI — was without a doubt a baptism of fire. The sessions, which were spread across two days, were intense and strictly timed - with CCI partners acting as part of a giant machine working at full speed to transform their way of thinking about policing problems. We came out of the DesignLab mentally exhausted, overwhelmed but also excited because we had something new in our hands, which meant that the work (and fun) had only just started. I recall going home the night after the first day of the DesignLab, and realising I completely lost my ability to speak English, and the ability to master my mother tongue as well. I was that exhausted.
Full article available HERE.
Factsheets: Disseminating the CCI project
Author: Pilar De La Torre, Efus
The PRoTECT (Public Resilience using Technology to Counter Terrorism) project aims to strengthen local authorities’ capabilities in public spaces protection by putting in place an overarching concept where tools, technology, training and field demonstrations will lead to situational awareness and improve direct responses to secure public places before, during and after a terrorist threat…
Full article available HERE.
Access our factsheets for download by clicking in the following boxes:
Community Policing
Read Factsheet
Crime Prevention through Urban Design and Planning (CD-UDP)
Read Factsheet
Ethical, Legal & Social issues impacting Predictive Policing
Read Factsheet
Measuring & Mitigating Feelings of Insecurity
Read Factsheet
Predictive Policing
Read Factsheet
Interesting reads
Police testing technology to “assess the risk of someone committing a crime” in UK
Get to know more about the European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN)
Council of Europe launches alarm on growth in racist crimes
Intercultural Cities: Manual on Community Policing (Council of Europe)
Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union (Grant Agreement nº 720762) email.